Fitness Friday: Summer Porridge

I’m going to try and start a new regimen for blogging which will hopefully get me to do it more consistently. And I’m starting with the end of the week, because any day is a great day to make a change!

I’ve been vacillating between eating egg white, turkey and provolone on an English muffin or summer porridge for breakfast lately (as I have previously blogged about) and as promised, today I’m going to share my slightly tweaked version which keeps me full for hours without any desire to snack in between.

1/4 c old fashioned oats

1/4 c plain greek yogurt

1/3 c almond milk

2 tsp chia seeds

2 tbsp chocolate or coffee protein powder (this is the kind I like) or 1 tbsp protein powder and 1 tbsp powdered peanut butter

1 tsp stevia, maple syrup or honey (optional, especially if adding fruit)

Almond slivers

Fruit on hand – I’ve tried it with a handful of blackberries, blueberries, sliced banana, etc. Plenty of possibilities!

Prep is simple. All you have to do is mix all of the ingredients except fruit together and put it in the fridge overnight. I use these but you could also use mason jars or whatever container you have which fits. Then in the morning add the fruit either before you head out the door or in a baggie to bring with you to work.

I love making this for breakfast because it’s delicious, filling and I can make it the night before. This is great for those of us who find it difficult enough just to get ourselves ready for the day and out and about in a decent amount of time.

Hope you try it sometime!


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