Kinda skipped October there…

I’m really going to try to get better about updating this blog. No one really follows it but me so it’s not a HUGE deal, but I want to challenge myself to actually write more often. Especially since I’ve been doing so much reading (read 76 books this year according to the Goodreads challenge I set for myself). Plus, it’s not like I have nothing to say – that has never been my problem.

So, what I think I’m going to start doing is the Top Ten Tuesdays started by the folks at The Broke and the Bookish which I just stumbled onto today. Loving it! So, I will update at least once a week and then more whenever I feel like it. Also, I’m going to add my WordPress link to my bookmarks bar on Chrome where I can actually see it. Maybe it’ll inspire me to write more often.

Quick update: I still haven’t gone back to reading Interview with the Vampire. I really don’t want to but at the same time I have to follow through and finish it. Ialso started and stopped reading The Witching Hour about the Mayfair Witches which started out interesting and intriguing but then NOTHING HAPPENED. I can only read so far without plot. Maybe Anne Rice is just not for me.

Over and out!