Hit a Plateau

I haven’t really lost any weight in about two months. That is pretty much the definition of a plateau, as I’m not gaining any weight either. I’m really only maintaining at this point. I can point to a few reasons why – the holidays blew through and I indulged in rich foods much more than I normally would, I stopped doing my strength training as consistently, my portion control hasn’t been at it’s best. The thing is, I know some of the reasons (I hope) why I’ve hit this plateau, so hopefully getting back on track will get me back onto the losing train. I also think there’s something to the idea of a winter coat. You see it in animals all the time: my cat weighs almost a pound more in winter than he does in summer and all you have to do is look at the bear to see a definite weather-related difference. So maybe I’m just in hibernation mode and my body is trying to retain what it has now and I’ll start losing again in spring. I’m going to make the changes I mentioned and hope for the best. I’m ready to feel the burn in my muscles in hopes that that muscle expenditure will kickstart my metabolism and get my body back on track!

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not on this journey just to see lower numbers on the scale. I’m healthier than I ever have been and that is my true goal. I know I look and feel better than I ever have before. It’s frustrating to continually see the same numbers on the scale even though I’m still working out consistently and have been fairly true to my eating habits (besides the aforementioned indulgences). I have noticed a difference in the way my clothes fit and feel on me, so I know that there are changes still occurring in my body’s composition, so maybe while I transition it seems like nothing is happening. Only time will tell, but I do know that every day I do feel stronger and healthier, so even if I never see a decrease in the scale again I’m going to keep it up, because I do feel better in my body than I ever have. I’m proud of where I am and I’ll continue to strive to improve.

I hope that anyone out there who may read this and is experiencing a plateau as well takes heart, because I’m glad to know that I’m not alone in my struggles. There are others out there who suffer from the discouragement of the scale, but look to other ways to measure your progress and keep on striving!